Middle School

Williamson Middle School

The mission of NTSD is to equip all students with a foundation of critical thinking and problem solving tools essential for lifelong learning within local and global communities.

Requirements for Career Opportunities at your School: 8th grade students will complete, at least, 6 hours of job shadowing. The 8th grade job shadowing experience generally has a specific date/day, set by the school, when all 8th graders report to their chosen venue for the day. Students do not attend classes at WHS on this day. The experience is the educational curriculum for the day, thus attendance is fulfilled by participation. Students/families are responsible to make all arrangements and provide transportation to and from the job shadowing location. Students are responsible for the documentation of hours and the site supervisor's signature verifying participation. Students will also complete questions in the attached packet. The completed packet must be submitted to Mrs. O'Conners, Guidance Counselor, for credit to be granted. 9th and 10th graders are required to complete at least 3 hours of job shadowing experience each of these two years. These mandated hours are in conjunction with the high school graduation requirements.


33 Jct. Cross Rd. , Tioga Pennsylvania, 16946 United States



Northern Tioga School District